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Moving on...

The time between Christmas and New Years has always been a bit of discomboobled time for me, and many others!

This year, I decided to take some serious downtime and rest and let my mind chill for a few days.

This often leads me down the rabbit hole that is Facebook. I scroll endlessly, pausing to look at cute cats, dogs and other creatures (goats!). I laugh at the memes and am touched by so many of the heartfelt messages and videos that are posted during the holiday season.

This year is different though.

Most of us didn’t get to gather with family for the holidays. We didn’t travel. We didn’t party. We don’t have all the pictures of extended family. Only the ones of the Zoom call or Facetime video.

Covid Christmas.

2020 will forever be know as “the WORST year ever!”

Yes, we struggled. Yes EVERYTHING changed.

Masks, social distancing, shutdowns, job losses, illness, death.

We lost freedoms and friends and family.

But more than that we lost hope.


Covid didn’t take that from us.

We gave it up.

We, in our comfortable world of safety, abundance and doing whatever the hell we want.

We were asked to help.

To pitch in.

Wear the mask, stay home, don’t gather for parties.

To do things that made us feel restricted. That limited our “freedom”.

We were asked to put our own needs aside for the greater good.


Did we all do it? Nope.

Did what we do work? Yes, and no.

Our numbers are higher than ever.

I didn’t write this to really talk about our “social responsibility”. That is for each one of us to decide for ourselves and live with those decisions.

What really has been weighing on my mind is all of the crap that people are spewing about the “worst year ever”

I have unfollowed and unfriended more people in the last 2 days than I ever have.

It hurts my head.

It makes me sad to think that so many of us have allowed our joy and our hope and our PEACE to be taken away.

Mindset is everything.

WE decide how to feel.

WE decide how to behave.

WE decide what we put on social media for others to consume.

And WE decide what is acceptable on our newsfeed, our televisions and our radio.

I, personally, am shutting down the negativity.

Unfriend and unfollow.

Goodness, positivity, light and hope is what I want to bring to 2021.

2020 has taken a lot from us.

Don’t let it take your soul too.

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